Yosan + Tetsu
Take 1 tablet a day for 2 months! Women tend to have a lack of folic acid and iron when they are. A single tablet gives 400μg of folic acid and 13mg of iron.
Mainichi Ca + Tetsu
Contains calcium and iron, which moms tend to lack during their lactational period. Also contains minerals and 8 types of vitamins.
A supplement devised together with an OB/GYN to help you replenish your Vitamin B6 and folic acid when morning sickness leaves you unable to eat. Gives you 625mg of Vitamin B and 400μg of folic acid with 3 tablets.
Mittsu No Nyusankin M1
Take a total of 10 billion lactobacilli across 3 types with 3 tablets a day (the same bacterium count as 1,000g of yogurt). An ideal supplement to your daily diet between pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Three of these capsules per day will give you 350mg of DHA. The amount of DHA contained in breastmilk is said to be affected by the DHA content of moms’ day-to-day diet. Take this to help you keep up with meals that have plentiful DHA and to give your baby an extra boost of that fatty acid.
Mama Smile
Drink this in between tending to housework or your child or before you go to bed. One bottle gives you 5mg of iron and 1,000mg of taurine as well as Vitamins B2 and B6. A nutritional supplement drink that contains no caffeine, preservatives or alcohol.

It is said that the 1,000-day period from when a baby enters the womb to the time it becomes 2 years of age ties in deeply to the lifelong health of that baby.
Bean Stalk knows that moms wish for nothing less than the healthy growth of their child, and is by their side as a presence that can be depended on every step of the way.